by David Souther | Jun 17, 2021 | Christian Living, Fear, Personal Evangelism
How to Live Out Your Faith in a Cancel Culture Cancel culture refers to a now common practice of withdrawing support as a way of expressing disproval over something that is considered by some to be objectionable or offensive. For some, it is a practice to embrace. For...
by David Souther | Apr 19, 2021 | Christian Living, Personal Evangelism
5 Tips for Managing Gospel Conversations I grew up near the Ocoee River in Tennessee which is known for its whitewater rapids. Having been down that river several times, here is what I have learned: You cannot control the river. You simply navigate it. You will...
by David Souther | Mar 22, 2021 | Personal Evangelism
7 Tips to Help You Plant Seeds for the Gospel Believers are all called to share the gospel, but the process of getting to the gospel in conversations can be a challenge. Sometimes it is necessary to lay some groundwork in our conversations and relationships before...
by David Souther | Jan 12, 2021 | Christian Living, Personal Evangelism
Gut Check: Am I a Fan or a Follower of Jesus? Jesus attracted multitudes wherever He went. While His audiences were diverse, each person experienced different levels of interaction with Christ. There were those who were skeptical and standoffish. There were those who...
by David Souther | Dec 11, 2020 | Personal Evangelism
Leading Others to the Message Beyond the Manger I love manger scenes. I am pretty sure that stems from having 3 daughters who were fascinated by them from the time they were toddlers. The focal point of their fascination was always baby Jesus in the manger. The world...