The Blog
Ideas, Stories, & Inspiration10 Online Resources to Help You Defend Your Faith
Discover ten valuable online resources aimed at strengthening believers’ ability to defend orthodox Christian beliefs in the face of challenging questions. These resources provide a diverse array of tools and materials to aid believers in engaging with skeptics authentically and confidently.
Dealing with Rabbit Trails in Gospel Conversations
When sharing the gospel, you will often encounter individuals who divert conversations with random questions and objections. In this blog you will learn valuable insights on navigating rabbit trails, prompting thoughtful reflection, and ultimately trusting God to use each conversation for His glory.
Back to the Basics of Evangelism
In getting back to the basics of explaining salvation to an unbeliever, we must clearly explain the message of Salvation. Explore the truths that form the foundation of salvation, guiding you to effectively communicate the life-transforming message of Christ.
An Often Overlooked Way to Celebrate “The Sanctity of Human Life”
Over the years, many have adopted the whole month of January as Sanctity of Life month to do just what President Reagan hoped, reflect on the blessing and responsibility that we must protect and care for the lives and freedoms of unborn children. Whether you work in a pregnancy center or are an advocate for life in your community, it’s important to have a biblical perspective on the Sanctity of Human life.
Are We Making Evangelism Too Hard?
Many of us have been encouraged or taught to approach evangelism as a point-by-point monologue. Often though, we simply want to share our experience with Jesus and invite someone else to experience Him too. Learn the importance of sharing the gospel in your own words which can fosters a more authentic and enjoyable evangelistic experience.
Igniting Your Witness Through Prayer: The ACTS Model
Learn how to use the ACTS model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) as a structured approach to prayer. Each letter not only helps deepen your relationship with the Lord but it also enhances your outreach and evangelism, providing a valuable guide to enriching spiritual growth and confidently sharing your faith.
Why Evangelism Resolutions Fail
Have you experienced what seems like failure in your New Years resolution to share your faith? Delve into the importance of having rhythms with God and others before you dive into “evangelistic supplements”. Discover how consistent prayer and meditation on God’s word form the basis of a natural evangelistic mindset.
Don’t Let Christmas Crowd Out Christ
Here are three “pitfalls” that believers can fall into during the holiday season, why they hinder us from participating in Christ’s mission, and how to avoid them altogether.
A Missing Ingredient for Effective Evangelism: Proactive Prayer
There is one key ingredient when sharing our faith that many neglect. It is what I refer to as “proactive prayer” and it can make a huge difference in the way we view evangelism and the way we experience co-laboring with God in His harvest. Here are three ways proactive prayer can bolster your evangelism.
Further Reading
Are You the Christ-follower Next Door?
We are called to “love our neighbor” – but what happens when we apply that to our actual physical neighbors? How can we be better at becoming the Christ-follower next door?
Reaching Co-workers for Christ in Workplace 2.0
The workplace is filled with new policies on masks, social distancing, and digital-first everything – but with these new changes come new opportunities to share Christ in the workplace. Read on to learn more.
A Valentine to the World: Your Marriage as a Gospel Message
Marriage is much more than a lifelong union between a man and a woman. Marriage is to be an illustration of the gospel to a watching world. Read on to see how you can make your marriage a gospel message.
Now is the Time to Lead a Hurting World to Hope
2020 was a difficult year, and unfortunately, there is nothing magical about 2021 – people are still hurting, looking for hope, and seeking for hope in empty places. Now is the time to lead them to the hope that springs eternal.
Three Questions Pastors Should Ask to Activate their Congregation
Pastor – your congregation wants to be more involved. But they’re not sure where to start. How can you help you congregation be more active in ministry? Pastor Armando Zuniga shares three questions every pastor should be asking.
Gut Check: Am I a Fan or a Follower of Jesus?
What does it mean to be a fan of Jesus vs a follower? EvanTell President David Souther highlights three ways followers differentiate themselves from fans to help us determine where we may be fans, followers, or somewhere in between in different areas of our lives.
Three Things a Watching World Should See from Christ Followers in 2021
2021 presents a unique opportunity for Christ followers to be defined by expressions of selflessness. Here are three things a watching world should see from Christians this year.
Leading Others to the Message Beyond the Manger
I love manger scenes. I am pretty sure that stems from having 3 daughters who were fascinated by them from the time they were toddlers....
How will God use You this Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving will look a little different for many this year. However you gather, it is a blessing to be with loved ones. But a question we often overlook is, “How does God want to use me this Thanksgiving to reach others for Him?” Here are some great reasons to ask that questions this year.
Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Relatives over the Holidays
How do you share your faith with family members over the holidays who are reluctant to hear the gospel? We share several tips in this blog.
Evangelism Dos and Don’ts This Election Season
Election season is upon us, and with it comes one of the few times when people are open to talk two socially taboo subjects – politics and religion. But there are some pitfalls to watch for – we cover the dos and don’ts here.
God’s Rule and Our Role: Election 2020
What a comfort to know that the God who is in control, who knows the beginning from the end, is Commander in Chief. He is not on the throne of the United States, but on the throne of the universe – and He will be during the U.S. elections and long after the last election in history takes place. However, we have a role to play – see five things we must consider during and after the U.S. elections.
Bold Faith in a Broken World
What does it take to have bold faith in our broken world? The Bible gives us a clear blueprint in Hebrews 11. Here’s how to follow it to embolden your faith.
Making the Gospel Priority One in Our Churches
God has designed His church to grow through the proclamation and sharing of the gospel. But what does it cost to make the gospel a priority in our churches today – and more importantly, how do we make it happen?
Living Gospel-first Among Our Neighbors
Does the value of our time and activities outweigh the value of living out the gospel among the people and neighbors in our lives? Here’s how we can make the gospel more of a priority in our sphere of influence.
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