The Blog

Ideas, Stories, & Inspiration
Four Ways Bible Study Changes Evangelism

Four Ways Bible Study Changes Evangelism

Nowhere in Scripture is there a verse that encourages us to simply read the Bible, instead it encourages us to meditate on it. Meditate has the idea that we keep thinking and rethinking what we have learned as we study the Bible. If we thoroughly digest the Word as we study the bible, will it have an impact our outreach to our world that is so in need of a Savior?

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Live Training for Pregnancy Centers

Live Training for Pregnancy Centers

The staff and volunteers of faith-based pregnancy centers are on the frontlines. They encounter vulnerable people who need the Savior. In response, EvanTell has offered online evangelism training to pregnancy centers for well over a decade and now have had the honor of hosting an in-person training for a PRC.

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How to Overcome Fears of conflict in Evangelism

How to Overcome Fears of conflict in Evangelism

Many believers do what many people do when it comes to conflict or hard conversations, we try to avoid it altogether. However, Jesus commanded those who follow Him to, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15. How do those of us who are “conflict-avoidant” obey Christ’s command to share the gospel? Read on to find out.

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Further Reading

How will God use You this Thanksgiving?

How will God use You this Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving will look a little different for many this year. However you gather, it is a blessing to be with loved ones. But a question we often overlook is, “How does God want to use me this Thanksgiving to reach others for Him?” Here are some great reasons to ask that questions this year.

God’s Rule and Our Role: Election 2020

God’s Rule and Our Role: Election 2020

What a comfort to know that the God who is in control, who knows the beginning from the end, is Commander in Chief. He is not on the throne of the United States, but on the throne of the universe – and He will be during the U.S. elections and long after the last election in history takes place. However, we have a role to play – see five things we must consider during and after the U.S. elections.

When Loss is Gain | A Missionary Shares Her Story

When Loss is Gain | A Missionary Shares Her Story

Emily Foreman faced incredible loss for the sake of the gospel on the mission field. But it’s what was gained that makes her story so memorable. Here, she shares her story in addition to her thoughts on what it looks like to live out “the gospel at all costs.” Read our full interview with her.

How to Mourn in the Light of the Gospel

How to Mourn in the Light of the Gospel

When the Bible speaks of believers and the subject of death makes the point that when a believer dies, we do not sorrow “as others who have no hope.” (I Thessalonians 4:13) What does that mean, what about the death of an unbeliever, and why is the gospel such a comfort in the midst of mourning? Read the full blog to learn the answers.