The Blog

Ideas, Stories, & Inspiration
How to Overcome Fears of conflict in Evangelism

How to Overcome Fears of conflict in Evangelism

Many believers do what many people do when it comes to conflict or hard conversations, we try to avoid it altogether. However, Jesus commanded those who follow Him to, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15. How do those of us who are “conflict-avoidant” obey Christ’s command to share the gospel? Read on to find out.

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Further Reading

Covid-19 from a Christian Worldview

Covid-19 from a Christian Worldview

How do we explain something like Covid-19 and its re-emergence from a Christian worldview. Read our latest blog to see how we, as believers, should view Covid-19, and how it should impact our actions as we seek to represent Christ.

The Lives that Matter

The Lives that Matter

Only in the gospel do we fully understand how God views the lives He has created. Their value, their importance, and their equality as creations intimately loved by their Creator.

The Case for God’s Love During the Pandemic

The Case for God’s Love During the Pandemic

How do we know God loves us regardless of what we pass through, when we pass through it, or how severe it is? The place we ought to start goes back to something irrefutable and undeniable that has properly been called by many – the most significant event in history.

The Greatest Love

The Greatest Love

Love is love, right? Not quite. All love is not created equal, and one kind of love, Agape, stands out among the rest. Why? Because it is unmerited, unconditional, and everlasting. Learn more in this blog.

Love at All Costs

Love at All Costs

How much does it cost to show love? Well, during this time of year, a lot. But even though we spend in the billions during Valentine’s Day, the cost pales in comparison to what God gives us in His Son.