The Blog
Ideas, Stories, & InspirationFour Ways Bible Study Changes Evangelism
Nowhere in Scripture is there a verse that encourages us to simply read the Bible, instead it encourages us to meditate on it. Meditate has the idea that we keep thinking and rethinking what we have learned as we study the Bible. If we thoroughly digest the Word as we study the bible, will it have an impact our outreach to our world that is so in need of a Savior?
Live Training for Pregnancy Centers
The staff and volunteers of faith-based pregnancy centers are on the frontlines. They encounter vulnerable people who need the Savior. In response, EvanTell has offered online evangelism training to pregnancy centers for well over a decade and now have had the honor of hosting an in-person training for a PRC.
How to Overcome Fears of conflict in Evangelism
Many believers do what many people do when it comes to conflict or hard conversations, we try to avoid it altogether. However, Jesus commanded those who follow Him to, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15. How do those of us who are “conflict-avoidant” obey Christ’s command to share the gospel? Read on to find out.
Finding Freedom from the Fear of Man
Dive deep into the heart of evangelism by uncovering the root cause behind common evangelism fears and discover the transformative power of God’s sovereignty.
Three Lies that Keep us From Sharing the Gospel
Satan is always a liar. He lies with purpose. He lies to harm us through intimidation, temptation, deception, and more. He is actively lying to us as we seek to share the gospel. Here are three commons lies of Satan.
4 Key Steps to Loving Your Neighbors in an Isolated Culture
Mark 12:31 calls us to love our neighbors, but this can be downright challenging in our culture where it is difficult to even get to know your neighbors. How do you love your neighbors in such a culture of isolation? Read more to find out!
Service: The Door to Evangelism
We often must ask ourselves the question, “What might I do that would demonstrate my desire to be like the Savior and bring many opportunities to share the gospel?” The answer is a one simple word. . .
Reaching Your City for Christ through Service
The fact that churches and cities are inseparable in Scripture lets us know that cities should be important to us as well. But where do we start when reaching our cities for Christ?
How to get Your Center Excited About Evangelism
How do we cultivate an environment of evangelism in our pregnancy centers and get those with whom we serve to be excited about it? Learn a few ideas how from Dr. Larry Moyer.
Further Reading
Giving Thanks in a Thankless Culture
If you are like me, keeping the “thanks” in Thanksgiving can be a challenge. In a culture where commercials tell us to want more and...
Finding Thankfulness In Adversity
In my 46 years of traveling as an evangelistic speaker, I have discovered something that isn’t truly surprising, but it is instructive....
Halloween: Off-Limits or Opportunity?
Just the mention of the word “Halloween” can polarize a room full of Christians. There is no shortage of opinions about it. Some...
Identity Management: An Evangelism Killer
I loved October 31 as a kid. It was the one day of the year when I could pretend to be someone else: a superhero, a Jedi knight, or my...
3 Essentials for Evangelism in College
If you are a college student talking with classmates about Jesus Christ, you encounter all kinds of problems. Some just don’t seem open to...
No Coincidences: Alec Kindred’s Story
After he won a copy of our Evangelism Study Bible in a Facebook drawing, we learned some awesome facts about Alec Kindred - and realized...
Brandt Jean and the Power of Forgiveness
“I forgive you … I want the best for you … I know that’s what Botham would have wanted … and the best would be to give your life to...
Three Essentials for Sharing Your Story
Our personal story can be a powerful tool God uses to reach others. The woman at the well shared her story in John 4 and many in her...
How to Use (And Not Use) Gospel Tracts
Gospel tracts can be effective guides to help you share your faith clearly with others. However, they can be misused in evangelism as well.
Seeing Through Blind Faith
“Blind faith.” “Leap of faith.” “Just have faith.” We've all heard expressions like these, but do they align with how the Bible talks...
Six Ways Our Christian Identity Impacts Unbelievers
After a cancelled flight, an overwhelmed airline agent did her best to rebook a long line of inconvenienced passengers. One angry traveler...
Six Things God Never Said About Salvation
Misconceptions can be costly. There are few areas they do more damage in than in the areas of salvation and evangelism. Misconceptions...
Four Ways to Pursue Workplace Evangelism
There are many messages your coworkers need to hear from you. But no message is more important than those ten words that define the...
7 Common False Teachings on Salvation Compared with the Biblical Teaching
False prophets reveal themselves by their teachings. The table below lists common false doctrines about salvation along with the biblical...
13 Characteristics of Divine Love
Our culture markets chocolates, flowers, and conversation hearts as a way to show affection. There is certainly no question that love is...
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