The Blog
Ideas, Stories, & InspirationFinding Freedom from the Fear of Man
Dive deep into the heart of evangelism by uncovering the root cause behind common evangelism fears and discover the transformative power of God’s sovereignty.
Three Lies that Keep us From Sharing the Gospel
Satan is always a liar. He lies with purpose. He lies to harm us through intimidation, temptation, deception, and more. He is actively lying to us as we seek to share the gospel. Here are three commons lies of Satan.
4 Key Steps to Loving Your Neighbors in an Isolated Culture
Mark 12:31 calls us to love our neighbors, but this can be downright challenging in our culture where it is difficult to even get to know your neighbors. How do you love your neighbors in such a culture of isolation? Read more to find out!
Service: The Door to Evangelism
We often must ask ourselves the question, “What might I do that would demonstrate my desire to be like the Savior and bring many opportunities to share the gospel?” The answer is a one simple word. . .
Reaching Your City for Christ through Service
The fact that churches and cities are inseparable in Scripture lets us know that cities should be important to us as well. But where do we start when reaching our cities for Christ?
How to get Your Center Excited About Evangelism
How do we cultivate an environment of evangelism in our pregnancy centers and get those with whom we serve to be excited about it? Learn a few ideas how from Dr. Larry Moyer.
The Importance of Authenticity in an Age of Hypocrisy
If you share your faith on a regular basis, you have heard the following more than once, “Christians are hypocrites.” Some non-believers use that phrase to derail the conversation. However, that objection should also be a reminder to examine our lives. After all, I don’t want my hypocrisy to interfere with someone seeing Jesus.
Responding to “All Christians are Hypocrites” in Evangelism
“All Christians are Hypocrites” is a common accusation that is hard for many to respond to. You may want to jump straight to denial or to deflecting the question. However, that is not the best response when trying to evangelize to unbelievers. This blog offers some helpful guidance on how to respond to the accusations of hypocrisy.
How Can I Share the Gospel When I Feel Like a Hypocrite?
Learn how to share your faith authentically, even when grappling with personal struggles and feelings of hypocrisy in your Christian journey. Discover practical insights to navigate these challenges and effectively communicate the message of salvation with genuine sincerity.
Further Reading
Our Witness in the Workplace
Your workplace is not merely your job; it is your ministry. It is not only the means of putting food on your table but also an opportunity...
6 Characteristics of a Gifted Evangelist
I define the gift of evangelism as “the special ability to communicate the gospel to sinners and equip believers to evangelize.” Several...
10 Inspiring Quotes on Hospitality
I recently finished reading The Simplest Way to Change the World and found myself taking note of several memorable lines on the importance...
Fire Insurance Salvation
Is it okay for someone to come to Christ because he simply wants “fire insurance”? In short, if a person sincerely believes that there is...
Building Spiritual Relationships with Kids
One day my Mom came home from a church event and told me “Your Sunday School teacher said you were a sweetheart.” Warm and fuzzy feelings...
How to Talk to Your Relatives about Spiritual Things
Family relationships can be challenging. This is particularly true in spiritual matters, particularly evangelism. For believers, one of...
Why Are Christians so Overbearing in Talking to Me About the Lord?
I never excuse what Christians do when they evangelize in a wrong way. Yes, every single person on earth needs to know the Lord, but...
5 Gospel Truths for Kids
One way to teach our children the importance of the gospel is through highlighting gospel centered verses—this may be through Scripture...
4 Reasons People Doubt Their Salvation
Few things are more dreadful than doubting one’s own salvation. Though I understand, may I encourage you that our salvation is to be a...
Do You Have to be Baptized to be Saved?
If you’ve not been under the water, will you go above the clouds? That might be a humorous way of stating it, but the question is a very...
16 Freedoms We Have in Christ
Today people throughout the United States celebrate the freedom we have as Americans. But, the concept of freedom didn’t originate with...
10 Ways to Share Hope with a Broken World
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in...
Is Repentance Essential to Salvation?
“Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.” (Acts 17:30) The Scriptures teach that...
Evangelizing Your Household: What Works Best?
It is evident from the Scriptures that many times when a person trusted Christ, the entire household came to know Him. Referring to Lydia,...
What Does the Bible Mean by “Believe”?
We hear the word “believe” all the time, but what does it mean in the Bible? Find out in this fascinating article.
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