The Blog
Ideas, Stories, & InspirationService: The Door to Evangelism
We often must ask ourselves the question, “What might I do that would demonstrate my desire to be like the Savior and bring many opportunities to share the gospel?” The answer is a one simple word. . .
Reaching Your City for Christ through Service
The fact that churches and cities are inseparable in Scripture lets us know that cities should be important to us as well. But where do we start when reaching our cities for Christ?
How to get Your Center Excited About Evangelism
How do we cultivate an environment of evangelism in our pregnancy centers and get those with whom we serve to be excited about it? Learn a few ideas how from Dr. Larry Moyer.
The Importance of Authenticity in an Age of Hypocrisy
If you share your faith on a regular basis, you have heard the following more than once, “Christians are hypocrites.” Some non-believers use that phrase to derail the conversation. However, that objection should also be a reminder to examine our lives. After all, I don’t want my hypocrisy to interfere with someone seeing Jesus.
Responding to “All Christians are Hypocrites” in Evangelism
“All Christians are Hypocrites” is a common accusation that is hard for many to respond to. You may want to jump straight to denial or to deflecting the question. However, that is not the best response when trying to evangelize to unbelievers. This blog offers some helpful guidance on how to respond to the accusations of hypocrisy.
How Can I Share the Gospel When I Feel Like a Hypocrite?
Learn how to share your faith authentically, even when grappling with personal struggles and feelings of hypocrisy in your Christian journey. Discover practical insights to navigate these challenges and effectively communicate the message of salvation with genuine sincerity.
Making the Gospel Relevant to Those Who Don’t Care
Discover effective strategies for sharing the gospel with individuals who seem indifferent to matters of faith. Learn how God can work in unexpected ways to draw people to Himself when we practice prayer and patience in our actions.
Evangelizing the Apathetic
In a world characterized by hyper-distractions and apathy towards the gospel, Christians face unique challenges in their evangelistic efforts. By recognizing that apathetic individuals still seek fulfillment, readers are encouraged to engage in meaningful conversations by discovering what brings joy and meaning to others’ lives.
The God Who Recommissions
Gain a fresh perspective on God’s patience, mercy, and the transformative power of obedience as you embrace your role in sharing the message of salvation with the world. Overcome common misconceptions of the Great Commision that hinder believers from sharing their faith.
Further Reading
The Vital Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism
The role of the Holy Spirit is vital to evangelism and cannot be overemphasized. In fact, evangelism is not about you involving Him in...
Using Questions to Spur Gospel Conversations with Toddlers
Whether a parent or a Sunday School teacher (or maybe both), we often have a lot on our minds. Child safety. Lesson Preparation. Allergy...
4 Phrases to Stop Using in Evangelism
Sometimes confusing phrases occur in evangelism, which tend to muddle people and fail to communicate the clarity of the gospel and the...
What is Saving Faith?
When it comes to evangelism, it is important to have the right perspective as well as to understand a simple definition of the gospel. But...
Does a Person who Commits Suicide Go To Heaven?
Does A Person Who Commits Suicide Go To Heaven? Honestly, it depends. Did the person trust in Christ alone as his only way to heaven? The...
Matthew’s Use of Old Testament Prophecy
Throughout history, many people have claimed to be the Messiah. Only Christ perfectly fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies. Matthew...
3 Easy Steps to Starting Spiritual Conversations
“Be Mine.” “You Rock.” “Say Yes.” “Miss you.” “Hug Me.” These iconic conversation hearts outsell chocolate according to Necco Candy’s...
6 Ways to Pray as You Evangelize
Scripture teaches that as we evangelize, we ought to pray, but what should we pray for? And, what is the relationship of prayer to...
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