The Blog
Ideas, Stories, & InspirationCriticizing the Messengers Can Impede the Message
This blog explores the importance of guarding our words and attitudes when discussing preachers, especially in front of non-Christians. Reflecting on a personal encounter, it offers practical principles for examining our motives, heart, and words to ensure we uplift rather than hinder others in their spiritual journey.
Get Good with Telling
Discover how a solo birthday dinner led to a profound reflection on sharing the gospel. Learn three key steps—knowing your why, getting training, and practicing—on how to confidently and effectively share your faith with others, inspired by a personal encounter with God’s grace.
Responding to Unbelievers Who Struggle as They Observe Fallen Church Leaders
Few things bother a non-Christian more than when a believer’s lips say one thing and his life says another. Witnessing to an unbeliever who has observed such a contradiction can be difficult. So how do you respond? Bearing several principles in mind can determine if that hypocritical believer becomes a barrier or a bridge to sharing the gospel.
I Just Need to Live the Christian Life in Evangelizing the Lost, Is That Enough?
It is important to live a life around unbelievers that commends the Savior to them. But that is not enough! They need to hear the greatest message they have ever heard – Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead.
Evangelism Misconceptions: “I’m Responsible if Someone Says ‘No’ to the Gospel”
Discover the truth about evangelism misconceptions and learn why you’re not responsible if someone says “No” to the gospel. Explore personal experiences, biblical reasons, and key lessons to help you understand that your role is to share the message, not to convert. Embrace your evangelistic journey with confidence and leave the results to God.
When Your Fear of Others Keeps You from Sharing with Others
Struggling with the fear of sharing your faith? Learn how “the fear of man” can trap believers and how trusting in God can help you overcome this obstacle, allowing you to share the gospel confidently and lovingly.
Confronting the Fear of Rejection
This blog offers practical and biblical insights for sharing the gospel fearlessly. Learn how to handle rejection, stay faithful to God’s message, and cultivate boldness through four actionable steps. Overcome fear and continue your evangelism with confidence.
How to Be “For Culture” Without Being “Of Culture”
Discover how Christians can navigate the balance between being “sent” and “sanctified” in the world. Explore principles from Jesus’s prayer in John 17:15-20 and practical steps for engaging with culture while maintaining a Christ-like holiness.
How Our Worldview Impacts Our Witness
Discover how our worldview shapes our approach to sharing the gospel through contrasting perspectives and explore the profound implications for evangelism. Gain valuable perspective on the importance of aligning our convictions with our actions for a compelling witness to the transformative power of faith.
Further Reading
How to Reach Religious People with the Gospel
There is comfort and challenge behind reaching religious people with the gospel. The comfort is you’re usually talking to a God-fearing person, even though they may differ with you on who God is. The challenge is sometimes their mind is made up. Learn seven practical tips on how to share the gospel with religious people.
Three Mistakes to Avoid When Reaching Religious People with the Gospel
Obvious as it may be, we can often fail to think carefully about how to approach someone with another belief system. Learn three mistakes to avoid when sharing the gospel to religious people.
Empowered Witnesses
While the term “witness” can be used as something that we do, Scripture uses this word as something that we are. Learn more about what it means to witness to others.
“My testimony isn’t a big deal.” Well, yes it is!
Many people disqualify their testimony as a small or less powerful story and therefore believe it’s not worth sharing. However, just because you came to Christ at a young age or just because the gospel story has always seemed to make sense to you does not mean your story is small or less powerful. Learn why.
Do I Have a Testimony?
What does it mean to share my testimony as a Christian? Learn how to turn the truths and experiences of Christ into testimonies that lead toward gospel conversations.
State of Evangelism at the 2022 Southern Baptist Convention
Pastors at the 2022 Southern Baptist Convention told us several things about the state of evangelism in their churches. Three important factors stand out, and we discuss them here.
More than Words: The 80/20 Rule of Evangelism
Evangelism isn’t only about what you say or how much you say. How attentively you listen can pave the way to communicate the gospel message in a profound manner. It is God’s careful love and attention, expressed through you, that draws people closer to His heart.
Five Marks of Conversational Evangelism
We use conversation throughout our entire day to communicate with others. Learn five traits to help us use our words for winsome conversations about Jesus.
How we Turned Evangelism from a Blessing into a Burden
It’s easy to be focused on how to present the gospel, we completely overlook the conversations that lead to the gospel. Learn how to overcome this dilemma and have intentional gospel conversations that point towards who Christ is.
Mental Health and Compassion: The Secret to Caring Well
In an age where mental health concerns are skyrocketing, how can the Church care for those suffering? Christians have the perfect example of how to care, Jesus Christ.
Mental Health and Ministry: Caring for Others Starts with Caring for Yourself
Learn about taking care of yourself so that you can be spiritually, mentally, and physically recharged to care for others.
He has Risen! Good News No Matter the Season
Read encouragement about and example of sharing the pure joy of the Lord year round. This is something declared and proclaimed all year round no matter the season.
It’s Critical: Invite Nonbelievers to Easter Service
It is easy to go through the motions of easter and simply just remember what Christ did for us. But, Easter is the one weekend that we, as Christians should be on mission for non-believers. Learn why it is vital to invite non-believers to church on Easter.
The Role of the Gospel in Mental Health
Learn three important reminders of how the gospel brings comfort and deliverance – both for us as we struggle, and for others we encounter who are facing mental health challenges in these hard times.
Satan’s Strategies: How to Recognize and Respond
Knowing Satan’s schemes helps us to counter His attacks and adjust to move forward with God’s mission. Learn four of his schemes and how to respond to them in this blog.
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