The Blog

Ideas, Stories, & Inspiration
Back to the Basics of Evangelism

Back to the Basics of Evangelism

In getting back to the basics of explaining salvation to an unbeliever, we must clearly explain the message of Salvation. Explore the truths that form the foundation of salvation, guiding you to effectively communicate the life-transforming message of Christ.

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An Often Overlooked Way to Celebrate “The Sanctity of Human Life”

An Often Overlooked Way to Celebrate “The Sanctity of Human Life”

Over the years, many have adopted the whole month of January as Sanctity of Life month to do just what President Reagan hoped, reflect on the blessing and responsibility that we must protect and care for the lives and freedoms of unborn children. Whether you work in a pregnancy center or are an advocate for life in your community, it’s important to have a biblical perspective on the Sanctity of Human life.

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Are We Making Evangelism Too Hard?

Are We Making Evangelism Too Hard?

Many of us have been encouraged or taught to approach evangelism as a point-by-point monologue. Often though, we simply want to share our experience with Jesus and invite someone else to experience Him too. Learn the importance of sharing the gospel in your own words which can fosters a more authentic and enjoyable evangelistic experience.

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Igniting Your Witness Through Prayer: The ACTS Model

Igniting Your Witness Through Prayer: The ACTS Model

Learn how to use the ACTS model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) as a structured approach to prayer. Each letter not only helps deepen your relationship with the Lord but it also enhances your outreach and evangelism, providing a valuable guide to enriching spiritual growth and confidently sharing your faith.

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Further Reading

Salvation and 1776

Salvation and 1776

There is an analogy between the Fourth of July and our walk with Christ in this life. It impacts how we should talk to others about what it means to follow Christ. This blog will explain how you can share the gospel on this freeing holiday.

7 Tips to Help You Plant Seeds for the Gospel

7 Tips to Help You Plant Seeds for the Gospel

Paving the path toward a gospel conversation can seem daunting, but it’s not nearly as difficult as people make it out to be. Read seven helpful tips here on how to plant seeds for the gospel that can help turn future topics toward spiritual things – and ultimately, to the gospel.

Missions Update | East Africa

Missions Update | East Africa

The gospel continues to go out among the nations in these difficult times. See some of the latest photos and accounts we’ve received from our missionary partners in East Africa.