by David Souther | Jun 17, 2021 | Christian Living, Fear, Personal Evangelism
How to Live Out Your Faith in a Cancel Culture Cancel culture refers to a now common practice of withdrawing support as a way of expressing disproval over something that is considered by some to be objectionable or offensive. For some, it is a practice to embrace. For...
by Brock Anderson | May 24, 2021 | Christian Living, Evangelism Training
Evangelism: Pressure vs Privilege For a lot of people, evangelism elicits one of two kinds of feelings: 1.“Evangelism is a work I feel pressured to do.” 2.“Evangelism is a joy I feel privileged to participate in.” I imagine the majority of us want to be in the camp...
by Larry Moyer | May 5, 2021 | Christian Living, Evangelism Training
The Power of Patience in Evangelism There are three necessities for effective evangelism in 2021. The first is patience, the second is patience, the third is patience. Patience has power. A person called me the Thursday before Easter to tell me he was ready to come...
by David Souther | Apr 19, 2021 | Christian Living, Personal Evangelism
5 Tips for Managing Gospel Conversations I grew up near the Ocoee River in Tennessee which is known for its whitewater rapids. Having been down that river several times, here is what I have learned: You cannot control the river. You simply navigate it. You will...
by Brock Anderson | Feb 25, 2021 | Christian Living, Personal Evangelism
Are You the Christ-follower Next Door? “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Why do we make this simple command so hard? Instead of just doing it, we over-examine and dissect it with questions like “what does love really mean here?” and “Is a neighbor someone in need,...
by Brock Anderson | Feb 9, 2021 | Christian Living
A Valentine to the World: Your Marriage as a Gospel Message Marriage is a mystery. Not in the “men don’t understand women” or vice versa kind of way. No, marriage is a mystery full of so much more spiritual meaning than we often attribute to it. Some tidily summarize...