by David Souther | Nov 17, 2022 | Encouragement
From “Failure” to Fruitfulness “Sometimes what we call ‘failure’ is really just that necessary struggle called ‘learning.’” – Unknown Sometimes the most spectacular failures produce the most important lessons. Several years ago, I was invited to go on a mission trip...
by David Souther | Oct 21, 2022 | Encouragement, Personal Evangelism
One Crucial Principle when Sharing Christ with Relatives Sharing the gospel with relatives is downright challenging. They know your past, your faults, and your struggles. Even Jesus proclaimed in Mark 6:4: “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown, among...
by Larry Moyer | Aug 11, 2022 | Encouragement, Uncategorized
How to Reach Religious People with the Gospel Reaching religious people with the gospel has both a comfort and a challenge behind it. The comfort is that you are usually talking to a God-fearing person. Even though they may differ with you on who God is, there is...
by Ryan Dunleavy | May 14, 2022 | Christian Living, Encouragement, Evangelism Training, SMSC
Five Marks of Conversational Evangelism As I once heard a preaching on James 3:1-12. I thought to myself, “I’d be better off not saying anything at all…” But in this prolific text, James is showing us the power of our tongues so that we would use our tongue well, not...
by Brock Anderson | May 11, 2022 | Christian Living, Encouragement, Evangelism Training, Personal Evangelism
How we Turned Evangelism from a Blessing into a Burden I want evangelism to be a blessing I look forward to, but it feels like a burden I feel pressured to accomplish. Is that how you feel? Well, I think you’re in the right place to make some headway in the direction...
by Ryan Dunleavy | Apr 25, 2022 | Encouragement, SMSC
Mental Health and Compassion: The Secret to Caring Well In an age where mental health concerns are skyrocketing, how can the Church care for those suffering? B.B. Warfield, a theologian, wrote a book titled The Emotional Life of Our Lord in 1912. He painted a...