by David Souther | Feb 25, 2025 | Christian Living, Encouragement, Fear, Personal Evangelism
When You Feel Disqualified from Speaking to Others about the Lord There are times when we feel unworthy to share the message of God’s love with others. Whether it’s due to mistakes from our past, struggles in our present, or simply comparing ourselves to...
by David Souther | Jul 12, 2024 | Christian Living, Fear
Evangelism Misconceptions: “I’m Responsible if Someone Says ‘No’ to the Gospel” When I first got serious about evangelism in my 20’s I had the opportunity to share the gospel with two of my coworkers. My experience with the first one could not have gone any...
by David Souther | Jun 19, 2024 | Christian Living, Fear
When Your Fear of Others Keeps You from Sharing with Others Several years ago, I ran into an old acquaintance of mine. I had recently returned from a mission trip to Africa and was telling him about it. Not knowing if he was a believer, I told him the main reason I...
by David Souther | Oct 19, 2023 | Fear, Personal Evangelism
How to Overcome Fears of conflict in Evangelism Gospel conversations involve discussing personal issues that are rarely talked about by non-Christians, including accountability to God, sin, the need for forgiveness, and other spiritual beliefs. They can evoke strong...
by Brock Anderson | Oct 11, 2023 | Christian Living, Evangelism Training, Fear
Finding Freedom from the Fear of Man God is sovereign over our lives, so we can lean into His sovereignty in the midst of every evangelism encounter He brings our way. We are quick to affirm the truth of the statement above, and if we are honest, we should be just as...
by Larry Moyer | Oct 5, 2023 | Fear, Personal Evangelism
Three Lies that Keep us From Sharing the Gospel Satan is always a liar. Jesus makes that point explicitly clear in John 8:44. Satan doesn’t lie without purpose. He lies to harm us through intimidation, temptation, deception, and more. And he is very active in lying to...