Inside Out

How God is transforming us during quarantine

We want to know how God has been changing you from the inside out during this time – and how it is impacting your relationships with others. See below for stories, videos, resources, and the chance to share your own testimony!

Stories from EvanTell Staff

EvanTell staff are sharing their stories of how God has been working inside their hearts to impact their outside relationships with others. Check back often, as more stories are being added daily from staff members!

Wanda Foskey / Development Coordinator

Dr. Larry Moyer / Founder and CEO

Brock Anderson / Digital Director

Armando Zuniga / Hispanic Ministries Director

Stories from Others

Stories from others are coming soon. When you share yours using the form below, it will appear here shortly afterward.


How will you come out of quarantine differenlty than you came into it? Are there ways you can interact with others to grow relationships and even move them toward the gospel? This section is designed to give you ideas of how you can do just that as you head back into face-to-face situations at work, church, and more. 

The Gospel-Centered Return to Work | Blog

As we begin to return to our workplaces following the unprecedented sheltering in place, we as believers should be gospel-minded in our conversations – now, more than ever, our interactions have the opportunity to lead to spiritual things.

Here are five conversation starters from Dr. Larry Moyer that can help you move discussions to eternal perspectives.

The Others-Focused Return to Church | Blog

How can we be more others-focused as churches reopen and we return to worship? How can we re-engage the way we serve at church to be a blessing to others?

President David Souther shares five questions to think about as we return to church with a mission to be the hands and feet of Christ.