Missions Update | Southeast Asia and Central America
Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.
For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods. Psalm 96:3-4
God continues to work through EvanTell to bring the gospel message to the nations of the world. Even though the Covid-19 crisis has been a challenge, God is at work.
Southeast Asia (multiple countries closed to the gospel)
EvanTell’s strategy in countries that are closed to the gospel and foreign missionaries is to invest in indigenous missionaries and church leaders. We do this by training and certifying them to become “EvanTell Certified Instructors” and empowering them with materials (tracts, workbooks, follow-up resources) so that they can “do the work of an evangelist” through outreach and equipping other believers. We refer to this as our “train the trainer” model which multiplies the impact of our work.
The Covid-19 situation has further complicated an already complex situation in two of the countries in Southeast Asia where we work. Many of the urban areas are on lockdown which prevents our certified instructors from face-to-face ministry. However, several have journeyed to the rural areas, conducting evangelism outreach and training in villages and small communities that are “under the radar” of authorities.
We are excited to share photos from our trainings below. Topics included personal evangelism, child evangelism, and evangelistic speaking. Each person you see is a leader in their community and will teach and equip other believers, thus multiplying the impact of the gospel!

Central America
God continues to open doors for in person trainings as well as trainings on Zoom. These include Spanish speakers from Mexico and other countries in Central and South America. Since the beginning of 2021, over 2,000 additional Spanish-speaking believers have been trained by EvanTell.
One of the areas of focus is referred to as the “Bajio Zone” which is a region in north central México. Based on the data we were provided, only 1% of the population in the area has placed their trust in Christ; however, the zone represents 15 million people.
Here are some of the activities the Lord has allowed us to pursue in this region:

Sharing the gospel under the bridge where immigrants are ready to take the train to the border of United States.

Sharing an evangelistic sermon with a group at a local Baptist church.

Sharing the gospel to a group at a local rehab clinic.
Please continue to pray for our certified instructors as they continue to pursue opportunities to share the gospel in these “gospel impoverished” areas in Central America!
Contact Us
PO Box 703929
Dallas, TX 75370-3929