He has Risen! Good News No Matter the Season

by Apr 18, 2022Christian Living, Holidays

Every year an Easter season comes and goes.

After Eastertime, chocolate doesn’t like to be shaped like a bunny. Pastel colors seemingly leave our wardrobe after this holiday. In all honesty, most Easter “things” go whenever Easter does.

But long after egg hunting has finished, is the message of Easter, the gospel, still on our minds?

Is it that good of news?

The other day, I was sitting in a coffee shop catching up with a younger friend I mentored for a year or so.

About ten minutes into our conversation, I violated one of my core convictions. I interrupted him.

Just a sec, dude – so sorry…”

Understandably, he was confused. I didn’t say anything after that. I was quiet. I was listening to another conversation.

My ear caught the middle of an ongoing conversation between a barista and a customer.

The barista stood about 5’2 with her hair tied back in a short ponytail. She consistently but genuinely wore her smile as if the paparazzi surrounded her on a red carpet. I saw the man come into the shop along with his canine pal. No leash, but the dog didn’t leave his side. I imagine the pup knew better. The middle-aged man effortlessly soared over 6 feet and was built like a former athlete. His presence couldn’t be ignored, but neither could hers.

My friend & I sat on the opposite side of the shop, oblivious to the interaction. But when I heard her raise her voice, I interrupted my friend to pay attention.

She didn’t raise her voice out of anger, stress, or fear. She was so excited. She was joyful.

When I tuned into the conversation, she was mid-sentence saying, “…but Jesus came to take our place. He died so that we might never have to. He took my place.”

The man replied, “Okay, so that’s what Easter is all about?”

“Yes! Jesus has changed everything,” said the barista.

The man chuckled. He said, “Well, I can tell you’re excited about this.”

Zealous, undeniable joy.

Their conversation went on for quite some time. She dignified him, his thoughts, and his questions. I wish I could tell you that he trusted in Christ that day. In all honesty, I’m not sure.

As I have reflected on this conversation, it wasn’t her technique of sharing the gospel that stood out to me. It wasn’t her theological acumen. It wasn’t her defense of his questions. Not that these are not important, but they weren’t what stood out to me.

I will never forget the sheer joy she had when telling him about what Jesus had done for her.

The gospel was good news to her. It was evident to those around her.

I hope the same is said of me and you.

Every year an Easter season comes and goes. Friends, may our memory and celebration of the Easter message not leave with the season.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:17 about the necessity of Jesus’ resurrection, saying:

And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins.”

Consider the questions below.

Pray that God would create a heart of thanksgiving and joy that lasts no matter the season.

  • What would prompt you to say something is ‘worthless?’ What do you typically do with something worthless?
  • What does Paul mean by saying that our faith would be worthless?
  • What would be the eternal consequences if we were still in our sins? What would be the present consequences if we were still in our sins?
  • What event does Paul say has caused our faith to have worth? Why are we not still in our sins?
  • Today, how did your relationship with Jesus impact your day?