.For Such a Time as This…
EvanTell’s ministry to pregnancy centers (SMSC) has been training and equipping pregnancy center workers to share the gospel with thousands of desperate women since 2009. The Supreme Court’s recent decision to turn Roe v. Wade back to the states caused many abortion facilities to close. Women who would have gone directly to an abortion clinic are now seeking help and services from faith-based pregnancy centers.
What an incredible and urgent opportunity to reach even more women and families with the hope of the gospel!
SMSC is continuing its fruitful work within pregnancy centers through gospel tracts and videos, discipleship materials, and training for PRC staff and volunteers. All resources are designed to reach abortion minded women and their families with the hope of the gospel.
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Train Your Pregnancy Center
Get your center staff and volunteers equipped to share the gospel with each client they meet with our Wherever You Go training. This seminar is 90 minutes and covers having the right mindset, managing conversations, and being clear about your message. This is both great for a first-time evangelism training for your center, OR a great refresher if you have taken our online ACT or SMSC training.
To learn more about training your center in evangelism, please contact SMSC Coordinator, Shaylana Casey – scasey@evantell.org

PRC Store Resources
Visit the store for evangelism resources such as tracts, books, and more so that you and your PRC can share the gospel with confidence, clarity, and kindness!
Looking for some new resource for your center to give to clients? We offer a variety of different books, tracts, and resources for centers to reach their clients with the gospel as well as help new Christians grow in their faith. If you aren’t familiar with our resources, we would love to be able to send your center an SMSC Sample Pack. This pack includes samples of our new SMSC resources as well as some other tracts and books we have available.
If you are interested in receiving an SMSC Sample Pack, please email scasey@evantell.org for more information.
Read the Heartbeat
Join our bi-monthly newsletter, The Heartbeat, for PRC encouragement, SMSC updates, evangelism resources, and more!

Read the Blogs
Watch the Videos
The God Who Sees You, Me, and the Unborn
God is the God who sees us! Hear from our SMSC Program Coordinator and learn how you can help PRC clients to know the God who sees them by clicking on the video.
Pregnancy Resource Ministry Update | North Texas Giving Day
Sondra Slattery (Program Coordinator of Save the Mother Save Her Child) and Brock Anderson (Vice President of Communications) discuss EvanTell’s ministry to the 258 Pregnancy Resource Centers in North Texas and why it is so needed today. Listen in to their discussion held on the 2022 celebration of North Texas Giving Day.
Other Resources
Join our FaceBook Group
Follow our FaceBook and join a community of pregnancy center staff, volunteers, and related partner organizations. We post events, questions for other people’s input, photos, evangelism ideas and questions, cooperative concepts, and encouragement for faith-based pregnancy centers and other life organizations associated with Save the Mother, Save her Child. We’ll post new materials and training, too!
Evangelism Webinar
We live in a broken world beset with problems and challenges. Anxiety and depression are on the rise. How should Christ followers navigate these issues?
Visit our mental health resource page for blogs, videos and more!
Evangelism Trainings
Save the Mother Save Her Child
This course provides forty minutes of training, including videos of evangelism in a Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC). In this training you’ll also have access to a downloadable workbook and Witnesses to the Life, a spiritual preparation for ministry in a PRC. The course will greatly benefit anyone working in a PRC environment who is looking to present the gospel clearly and simply while ministering to women in need.
ACT Personal Evangelism Training
This four session training package equips you with the basics of personal evangelism, preparing you to share the gospel clearly and simply whenever the opportunity arises. Each session lasts only 20 minutes and includes interactive exercises to help you along.
Spiritual Warfare and Evangelism
Spiritual Warfare can often by a mysterious subject for Christians. What does warfare look like? How does our enemy attack? How do I make use of the armor of God? In this course, we’ll carefully unpack the armor of God and walk though how you can be well equipped to recognize warfare and then stand firm against the schemes of our enemy. At the end of our time together, you will have a full understanding of our enemy, a heightened sensitivity to warfare in your life, and a wider array of tools to defend against our enemy’s schemes as you seek to impact others with the gospel!
Support SMSC
Support the mission to help pregnancy centers reach their clients with the hope of the gospel.
Contact Us
PO Box 703929
Dallas, TX 75370-3929